
sudoku game: react and redux

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

To run:

  1. Make sure you have node and npm installed
  2. Run npm install to install the dependencies
  3. Run npm run dev to start the server
  4. Head to localhost:3000


Configuration added on Dockerfile.

  1. Build Docker image: docker build -t us.gcr.io/sudokux-186808/sudokux .. Confirm build by checking if image is listed docker images.
  2. Run the container docker run -d --name sudoku -p 3000:3000 us.gcr.io/sudokux-186808/sudokux
  3. Access the app on

G Cloud

This app is hosted on gcloud following instructions found on GCP docs(https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/tutorials/hello-app) or on this medium post(https://medium.com/@delanhype/dockerizing-and-deploying-a-nodejs-app-7779b1a2d2f6)

Built wth: