
Custom actions for https://github.com/google/aiyprojects-raspbian/blob/master/src/action.py

Primary LanguagePython


Separate added actions from default aiyprojects-raspbian repo code.

Fun actions for AIY Projects

Actions for https://github.com/google/aiyprojects-raspbian/blob/master/src/action.py

Create the symlink

After cloning the repo, setup a symlink to ~/voice-recognizer-raspi/src/action.py

# Backup current action.py
cp ~/voice-recognizer-raspi/src/action.py ~/voice-recognizer-raspi/src/action-backup.py

# Remove current action.py
rm ~/voice-recognizer-raspi/src/action.py

# Create the symlink
sudo ln -s ~/raspi-voice-actions/action.py action.py

Adding actions

  • Add your module into the actions directory: convention ModuleAction.py
  • Import your module at the top of actions.py
from PlayAction import *

Raspberry Pi AIY Projects forum

All of these actions were contributed by members of the Raspberry Pi forums.
To get more ideas for fun actions visit: https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=114