
Data and code for analyzing the drivers of non-volant mammal extinctions in the Caribbean archipelago

Primary LanguageR


"Where the wild things were: intrinsic and extrinsic extinction predictors in the world’s most depleted mammal fauna"

Samuel T. Turvey, Clare Duncan, Nathan S. Upham, Xavier Harrison, Liliana M. Dávalos



  • data: Contains the final datasets (species by island codings with covariates, final pruned phylogenies used for comparative analyses).

  • mamPhy_pruningCode: Raw tree files and R code for pruning the mammal tree to Caribbean taxa, adding unsampled taxa, and resolving polytomies to obtain bifurcating trees.

  • binomial: R code to reproduce the binomial results.

  • multiresponse: R code to reproduce the multinomial results.