ironSource Docker micro-services

The container runs a Node.js application behind a Nginx reverse proxy. Supervisor process control system runs our application within the container. Every docker container receives an entry point, a process to run when the container starts. The entry point to our container is the supervisor. Nginx and Node.js applications are started via the supervisor. Supervisor also acts as a watchdog - in case the application crashes.

We use the c3.large instance type for most of our applications. Due to the fact that this instance type has 2 CPU cores. We run 2 Node.js processes listening on ports 8000 and 8001. Nginx listens on port 80 and acts as a reverse proxy to redirect traffic to the Node.js application instances on ports 8000-8001.

We use Ubuntu 14.04 both for the host and the container.

Application build flow:

  • CI server detects a merge to the branch of the application.
  • Code build process is initiated which pushes the new code to our private npm repository.
  • Container build process is initiated which builds the container and pushes it to a private docker repo.

Container build process

  • Ubuntu base image
  • Security upgrades.
  • Installation of needed packages - nodejs npm supervisor nginx.
  • Copy resources from the build machine into container.
  • Place .conf files in the correct location inside the container.
  • Checking out the latest stable code from the npm repository (artifactory) and place in correct location
  • Expose port 80.
  • Container entry point - supervisord.

Amazon AMI bootstrap configuration

#AMI - c4.large - ubuntu 14.04 - user-data:
apt-get update
apt-get -y install unattended-upgrades
wget -qO- | sh
docker login -u <user> -p <password> -e <email>
docker run -p 80:80 -d user/container

Further research

  • Use lightweight linux host and container OS (CoreOS?).
  • Container OS monitoring (New Relic?).
  • Use of a container management service (ECS?).
  • Implementation of the system on Microsoft Azure.