- 1
PostCSS 8.0
#126 opened by ai - 6
- 1
- 9
postcss 7.x
#120 opened by XhmikosR - 0
this repo is abandoned! use C-Lodder fork instead
#121 opened by axten - 2
Source mapping no longer work after adding postcss
#110 opened by themenow - 0
postcss-merge-longhand Bug
#119 opened by SebastianErnst - 2
Add postcss-load-config (postcss.config.js)
#109 opened by michael-ciniawsky - 2
cwd takes no effect on dest
#108 opened by alpham8 - 1
- 1
Autoprefixer does not seem to work anymore
#117 opened by dariusrosendahl - 0
Doesn't correctly work with grunt-newer
#116 opened by L2jLiga - 1
JavaScript heap out of memory
#114 opened by juniglee - 1
NodeJS 0.10.x support
#96 opened by ntwb - 5
Bump postcss to v6
#112 opened by laytong - 0
- 3
Always z-index or Multiple task
#101 opened by Bek81 - 0
Autoprefixer doesn't prefix, but does create the file.
#107 opened by lextoc - 2
- 0
- 0
Not logging invalid comment errors
#103 opened by keithjgrant - 4
- 6
Process multiple files into a single file
#90 opened by henryruhs - 2
- 2
Update diffs dependency
#100 opened by nicolasroger17 - 0
- 3
Grunt 1.0.0 support
#92 opened by Cornally - 7
grunt-postcss does not respect seperate tasks (ie 'postcss:dev' and 'postcss:dist')
#67 opened by tconroy - 1
- 0
Prefixing several files
#91 opened by ygspasov - 1
- 2
es6-promise polyfill breaks karma
#88 opened by danyshaanan - 1
Conflict with grunt-karma?
#87 opened by ogonkov - 1
- 3
PostCSS Version
#82 opened by leng-yang - 1
- 2
Strange output with autoprefixer
#80 opened by roubaobaozi - 3
Relative sourcemaps broken
#72 opened by quintenvk - 1
- 4
Gradient has outdated direction syntax. New syntax is like "to left" instead of "right".
#75 opened by talgautb - 4
- 0
Pretty print filesize compression in terminal
#66 opened by KingScooty - 3
Allow for output filename different to source?
#65 opened by KingScooty - 5
Incorrect Version of Grunt-PostCSS on NPM
#74 opened by JamesVanWaza - 1
Input and output files
#73 opened by LeusMaximus - 4
If processor throws an error then grunt-postcss throws it only if it was in last processed file.
#70 opened by lsobolew - 7
Fail on error instead of skipping file
#69 opened by jithine - 7
Support for preprocessors?
#71 opened by FezVrasta - 1
No "postcss" targets found error from Grunt
#68 opened by jithine - 3
failOnError not working
#64 opened by ntwb