
Various scripts for server maintenance and backups

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Scripts I'm using for my pet-projects where some full-scale monitoring or backup solutions feel like an overkill. All of them are written in Go.


Checks available disk space and sends a notification to a Telegram chat if it's less than 10%. Encountered errors will be sent to a Telegram chat as well.

I don't like setting up email notifications for it is more cumbersome, but it's easy to add any API client you need in the pkg/notifier package.

Build the script with make build-freespace or a custom build command, the artifact will be located in the ./bin directory. Upload it to a server and run periodically using cron, e.g.:

0 * * * * cd /where/you/uploaded/it && ./freespace -telegram-token=<bot token> -telegram-chat-id=<...> 2>&1 | /usr/bin/logger -t freespace


Runs pg_dump inside a specified Docker container and uploads the backup file to any S3 compatible object storage. The file will then be deleted from the host filesystem (or left untouched in case of an error). Encountered errors will be sent to a Telegram chat.

Build the script with make build-pgdumpdoc or a custom build command, the artifact will be located in the ./bin directory. A cron job for it might look like:

0 3 * * * cd /where/you/uploaded/it && ./pgdumpdoc -container=my_postgres -u=postgres -db=my_db -o=/home/user/backups/my_db.pgdata -s3-endpoints=<S3 URL> -s3-key-ids=<S3 key ID> -s3-key-secrets=<S3 key secret> -s3-buckets=my-backups -s3-object=<my_db.pgdata> -telegram-token=<bot token> -telegram-chat-id=<...> 2>&1 | /usr/bin/logger -t pgdumpdoc

To restore from a backup download it from the object storage and run:

docker exec -i my_pg pg_restore --dbname=my_db --verbose --clean < /tmp/pg_dump.pgdata


Backs up specified MySQL database and uploads the backup file to any S3 compatible object storage. The file will then be deleted from the host filesystem (or left untouched in case of an error). Encountered errors will be sent to a Telegram chat.

Build the script with make build-mysqldump or a custom build command, the artifact will be located in the ./bin directory. A cron job for it might look like:

0 3 * * * cd /where/you/uploaded/it && ./mysqldump -u=user -p=password -db=my_db -o=/home/user/backups/my_db.sql.gz -s3-endpoints=<S3 URL> -s3-key-ids=<S3 key ID> -s3-key-secrets=<S3 key secret> -s3-buckets=my-backups -s3-object=<my_db.sql.gz> -telegram-token=<bot token> -telegram-chat-id=<...> 2>&1 | /usr/bin/logger -t mysqldump

To restore from a backup download it from the object storage and run:

mysql -u [user] -p [my_db] < /tmp/my_db.sql.gz


Creates a tar.gz archive with an arbitrary directory and uploads it to any S3 compatible object storage. The archive will then be deleted from the host filesystem (or left untouched in case of an error). Encountered errors will be sent to a Telegram chat.

Build the script with make build-dirbackup or a custom build command, the artifact will be located in the ./bin directory. A cron job for it might look like:

0 4 * * * cd /where/you/uploaded/it && ./dirbackup -dir=/path/to/backup -o=/home/user/backups/backup.tar.gz -s3-endpoints=<S3 URL> -s3-key-ids=<S3 key ID> -s3-key-secrets=<S3 key secret> -s3-buckets=my-backups -s3-object=<my_db.pgdata> -telegram-token=<bot token> -telegram-chat-id=<...> 2>&1 | /usr/bin/logger -t dirbackup


Checks if a network target is online. Encountered offline states will be sent to a Telegram chat.

Build the script with make build-ping or a custom build command, the artifact will be located in the ./bin directory. A cron job for it might look like:

0 4 * * * cd /where/you/uploaded/it && ./ping -host=localhost -port=587 -telegram-token=<bot token> -telegram-chat-id=<...> 2>&1 | /usr/bin/logger -t ping