
nHash is a lightweight and easy-to-use hashing tool for Windows and Linux that allows users to quickly and securely generate cryptographic hash values for files and text. It supports a variety of popular hash algorithms, including MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, and more, making it an essential tool for verifying file integrity and ensuring data privacy.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


nHash is a lightweight and easy-to-use hashing tool for Windows and Linux that allows users to quickly and securely generate cryptographic hash values for files and text. It supports a variety of popular hash algorithms, including MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, and more, making it an essential tool for verifying file integrity and ensuring data privacy.


  • UUID: Generate a Universally unique identifier (UUID/GUID) version 1 to 5
  • Encode
    • JWT: JWT token decode
    • Base64: Encode/Decode Base64
    • Base58: Encode/Decode Base58
    • URL: URL Encode/Decode
    • HTML: HTML Encode/Decode
  • Hash
    • Calc: Calculate hash fingerprint (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2 (SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA512), SHA-3, Blake, ...)
    • Checksum: Calculate checksum fingerprint (MD5, SHA-1, CRC32, CRC8, Adler-32,...)
  • Text
    • Humanize: Humanizer text (Pascal-case, Camel-case, Kebab, Underscore, lowercase, etc)
    • JSON: JSON tools
    • YAML: YAML tools
    • XML: XML tools
  • Password: Generate a random password with custom length, prefix, suffix, character, etc options

For more information about nHash and its various commands and options, please visit the nHash wiki page


  1. Download and install nHash from the releases page on your Windows or Linux machine.
  2. You can view the options by running the nHash application with the --help.
  3. Use nHash with your desired parameters and command.
  4. For more information on sub-command parameters or options, run a command with the --help option. For example, nhash p --help.
$ nhash --help
  Hash and Text utilities in command-line mode

  nhash [command] [options]

  -o, --output <output>  File name for writing output
  --version              Show version information
  -?, -h, --help         Show help and usage information

  u, uuid      Generate a Universally unique identifier (UUID/GUID) version 1 to 5
  e, encode    Encode/Decode features (JWT, Base64, URL, HTML)
  h, hash      Calculate hash and checksum fingerprint (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, CRC32, CRC8, ...)
  t, text      Text utilities (Humanizer, JSON, YAML, XML)
  p, password  Generate a random password with custom length, prefix, suffix, character, etc options


If you would like to contribute to nHash, please fork the repository and submit a pull request. We welcome all contributions, including bug fixes, new features, and documentation improvements.


nHash is licensed under the MIT License.
