Hi there, friend! Welcome 👋

A gist about me

I've been developing software for a long enough time to know what I love the most. I'm passionate about smart products that improve people's life. That's why I always try to first think about user experience before building a feature (either front or back end). I also love the challenging needs for applications of any type that need to respond fast, solve complex problems and scale up. I'm an easy going guy, can adapt to new environments and I'm addicted to gadgets and everything tech.

Some of the technologies I work with lately:

there's probably more, but I'm focusing on the recent ones

You won't find much here, as most of my work is being done privately either for my company's clients or for older freelacing work. I'll try to publish small bits of projects to be publicly available soon.

Daily driver

I use a macbook pro (been using macOS since forever) and I edit all my work (and more) on neovim using tmux to fine tune my terminal -I've been trying kitty lately- panes. You can find my dotfiles (and use them at your own risk) in my dotfiles repo.


Connect with me

I'd be glad to hear from you. If you're interested to work together, drop me a line:

mailto:nlamprok@gmail.com nlamprok@gmail.com www.linkedin.com/in/nlamprok www.linkedin.com/in/nlamprok twitter.com/nLamprok twitter.com/nLamprok