
A BLE gateway implementation that can run on Raspberry PI (headless)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NOTE: This code no longer works. We hope to resolve the situation soon


A BLE gateway implementation for nRF Cloud that can run on Raspberry PI (headless)

To use:

  1. Install the Noble prerequisites: sudo apt-get install bluetooth bluez libbluetooth-dev libudev-dev
  2. Clone or download this repo (git clone git@github.com:nRFCloud/gateway-raspberry-pi.git)
  3. Create a gateway using npx @nrfcloud/gateway-registration, make sure you have an account on nRF Cloud and use the same credentials
  4. The result of the command will be in ./result
  5. Copy the files to the root of this project (same directory as this README)
  6. Run npm install
  7. Build code: npm run build
  8. Run gateway: sudo npm run start (sudo is necessary for Noble)
    1. If you want to use the "Example" adapter, run: npm run start -- example
  9. The gateway should start and it should connect immediately