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Unofficial Tiktok Shop API Client in PHP

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Tiktok Shop API Client is a simple SDK implementation of Tiktok Shop API.

This package used Legacy API version (pre-Sept 2023). More detail here: https://partner.tiktokshop.com/docv2/page/64f198f74830a5028854c106

If you looking for API version 202309, please install package ecomphp/tiktokshop-php


Install with Composer

composer require nvuln/tiktokshop-php

Configure TiktokShop PHP Client

use NVuln\TiktokShop\Client;

$app_key = 'your app key';
$app_secret = 'your app secret';

$client = new Client($app_key, $app_secret);

Enable sandbox mode if you want to test the client


Grant token

There is a Auth class to help you getting the token from the shop using oAuth.

$auth = $client->auth();
  1. Create the authentication request
$_SESSION['state'] = $state = str_random(40); // random string

If you want the function to return the authentication url instead of auto-redirecting, you can set the argument $return (2nd argument) to true.

$authUrl = $auth->createAuthRequest($state, true);

// redirect user to auth url
header('Location: '.$authUrl);
  1. Get authentication code when redirected back to Redirect callback URL after app authorization and exchange it for access token
$authorization_code = $_GET['code'];
$token = $auth->getToken($authorization_code);

$access_token = $token['access_token'];
$refresh_token = $token['refresh_token'];
  1. Get authorized Shop ID
$access_token = $token['access_token'];

$authorizedShopList = $client->Shop->getAuthorizedShop();

// extract shop_id from $authorizedShopList

Refresh your access token

Access token will be expired soon, so you need refresh new token by using refresh_token

$new_token = $auth->refreshNewToken($refresh_token);

$new_access_token = $new_token['access_token'];
$new_refresh_token = $new_token['refresh_token'];

Usage API Example

You need access_token and shop_id to start using TiktokShop API

$client = new Client($app_key, $app_secret);
$products = $client->Product->getProductList([
    'page_size' => 50,
$orders = $client->Order->getOrderList([
    'order_status' => 100, // Unpaid order
    'page_size' => 50,


Use webhook to receive incoming notification from tiktok shop

$webhook = $client->webhook();

or manually configure the webhook receiver

use NVuln\TiktokShop\Webhook;
use NVuln\TiktokShop\Errors\TiktokShopException;

$webhook = new Webhook($client);
try {
} catch (TiktokShopException $e) {
    echo "webhook error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
echo "Type: " . $webhook->getType() . "\n";
echo "Timestamp: " . $webhook->getTimestamp() . "\n";
echo "Shop ID: " . $webhook->getShopId() . "\n";
echo "Data: \n"; // data is array