- 2
Call to a member function fireEvent() on null
#1998 opened by ali-amento - 2
- 3
- 1
Custom module not replacing placeholders
#1992 opened by hardlevel - 1
- 0
The command `php artisan module:make-factory` generate double namespace separator
#1985 opened by semsphy - 1
php artisan module:clear-compiled not documented
#1984 opened by misog - 2
ServiceProvider only loads after running module:enable
#1958 opened by turbo124 - 6
ERROR Module [Abc] already exists! while creating new Module if Seeder Generations is false
#1956 opened by winavin - 2
Enter maintenance by module
#1914 opened by adriano461997 - 2
component not found (name space )
#1944 opened by sinadotnut - 6
How can i Vendor:publish in a module
#1938 opened by redtusker - 1
No publishable resources for tag [config].
#1966 opened by jackchang1025 - 1
Email variables not rendered in module view
#1896 opened by akxz - 1
- 13
autoloading Providers in laravel11x issue on github action composer install
#1922 opened by mauritskorse - 4
Error on Shared Hosting After Installing Laravel Module Package (Laravel 11 & laravel-module-installer)
#1933 opened by HkaanUsta - 1
loading routes based on priority
#1971 opened by teksite - 1
Breaks if no lang directory exists
#1960 opened by rrmesquita - 2
service provider not found when init the module
#1961 opened by abdulkareemh - 1
Problem with Factory creation
#1963 opened by AlexisVS - 1
#1974 opened by monte-dev - 1
Run artisan commands inside/for a module
#1976 opened by secrethash - 1
Change vite hotfile location
#1906 opened by jackkitley - 0
- 2
Improve docs for testing with Pest
#1936 opened by dcblogdev - 2
Class "Modules\NetworkAdmins\Providers\NetworkAdminsServiceProvider" not found
#1948 opened by islamV - 3
Disabled modules still register the ServiceProvider
#1950 opened by locnguyen1842 - 2
Runing migration even if the migrations are not loaded from module service provider
#1951 opened by inkomomutane - 2
module.json won't load files anymore
#1942 opened by lazosweb - 1
Artisan migration issues
#1943 opened by shawe - 8
installition issue
#1886 opened by EslamTeleb1 - 2
Seeders do not sow
#1888 opened by JohnnyMaynne - 2
Php artisan migrate is running the migration files of modules also, Is there any way to disable it?
#1890 opened by AshutoshJha15 - 3
Elequent relationship
#1912 opened by thesiamak01 - 1
Target class [cache] does not exist.
#1916 opened by mstfkhazaal - 1
Manual module registration
#1911 opened by abdokouta - 11
Migration priority ignored
#1887 opened by JohnnyMaynne - 2
use Module to define new auth guard
#1891 opened by BechirAhmed - 1
Integrate between modules
#1885 opened by leen19971 - 2
Issue on creating new module
#1904 opened by itsmerattana - 0
Module:model-show not working as expected
#1930 opened by mahdimirhendi - 0
Issue with Integrating Laravel Modules and Vite in a Laravel 11 + Nuxt 3 Project
#1935 opened by sergefy13 - 1
- 1
Module Provider Not Found
#1917 opened by nthnyvllflrs - 3
Creating module error: mkdir(): File exists
#1894 opened by sr-44 - 1
Warning when tried to install package in laravel 10
#1915 opened by MoSalemDev - 4
Trait "Illuminate\Console\Prohibitable" not found
#1893 opened by mktmsameera - 1
- 1