
Digital Rainbow 100 Graphics board remake


Rainbow 100 Grahpics board.

this is a reverse engineering of a pretty rare graphics card for Digital Rainbow 100

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has been made thanks to Tony Duell's schematics and some photos found on the web, the content of GALs and PROMs are grabbed from the original board.
In repository you can found kicad schematics of two version:
V1 is like the original board while V2 version have some corrections, I removed bodge wire and replaces the DIP array resistor with more common SIP.
All needed component is in BOM file.

due to time and budget I haven't build and test it yet.
I share this my work, completed but non tested, eventualy useful for original board restore

If you found this my work useful, please consider buying me a cup of coffee if you want:
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