The repo contains the source code of the la-mqtt project, an extension of the popular MQTT protocol for spatial-aware IoT communications.
In few words, la-mqtt enables to route the data generated by service producers only to consumers for which such data is relevant in terms of both topic and location; hence, it limits the amount of consumers to be notified to only the ones that are geographically inside the area of competence defined by the service producer.
Main features:
- Topic+Location based notifications
- Location privacy support
- QoS/privacy trade-off handling
- MQTT broker agnostic
- Fully backward compatibility with the standard MQTT
For detailed information about the la-mqtt's operations and performance, please refer to the scientific article below:
Federico Montori, Lorenzo Gigli, Luca Sciullo, Marco Di Felice, LA-MQTT: Location-aware publish-subscribe communications for the Internet of Things, submitted for publication in the ACM Transactions on Internet of Things (TIOT), 2021.