
Easily add Google AdSense to your WordPress site. Automatically show Google ads optimized for your site at optimal times and increase revenue.

Primary LanguagePHP

Easy Google AdSense for WordPress


WordPress Google AdSense plugin makes Google AdSense monetization easier for WordPress. With this plugin, there is no need to manually add AdSense ads/code to different parts of your website. You just enter your Google AdSense Publisher ID in the settings and Google will automatically start showing ads at optimal times when they are likely to perform well for your website and provide a good experience for your users. It was developed by noorsplugin and is currently being used on over 10,000 websites.

What is Google AdSense Auto Ads?

Auto Ads is an improved monetization method in Google AdSense. It uses machine learning to make smart ad placement for your website. When this is enabled, Google will analyze your site and show ads only when it thinks they will perform well and provide a good user experience.

Benefits of Google AdSense Auto Ads

  • Ads are automatically optimized using machine learning
  • Let Google handle ad placement and comply with terms and conditions easily
  • Increase revenue by showing ads when they will perform well
  • Automatically show Text & display ads, In-feed ads, In-article ads, Matched content, Anchor ads and Vignette ads at optimal times
  • Let Google understand the user and show ads at various places on your website
  • There is no conflict since it takes into consideration any ad code that you have already placed on your website
  • It works with page-level ads since page-level ads have been migrated into auto ads

How to Use Google AdSense Auto Ads

  1. Install and Activate the Easy Google AdSense plugin
  2. Login to Google AdSense account
  3. Go to Settings > Account > Account information and copy your AdSense Publisher ID
  4. Login to your WordPress admin dashboard and go to Settings > Easy Google AdSense.
  5. Paste your AdSense Publisher ID into the Publisher ID field
  6. Click Save Changes
  7. Go back to your Google AdSense account dashboard and navigate to My ads > Content > Auto ads.
  8. Select ad types that you wish to automatically show on your website
  9. Click SAVE


For detailed documentation please check out the Google AdSense Plugin page.