Go Language for Tourists
by Verrol Adams
Code Examples and Exercises
There are two directories provided for each chapter, solution and exercise.
As you may expect, the solution directory contains the completed solution for each exercise. The exercise directory contains stubbed out or partially written examples for you to complete.
For each exercise, you will find one or more TODO comments. The TODO comment explains the exercise and what you need to complete.
Some exercies have several TODOs. You can tell what to do first by the number associated with the TODOs. For example, TODO 1 for TODO 2.
Shared Package
There is a shared pacakge with some reusable code for your exercies. If you are NOT using Go modules, then you will need to install the packages before you can run the exercises.
- To install the shared packages:
- Open a command prompt
- Type:
go get github.com/striversity/glft/shared