
Primary LanguagePHP

php-mvc framework with Dynamic Sql Query

  • Pull project to your server with git or download
      git clone https://github.com/nababur/php-mvc.git

Framework Highlight::-

  • Controllers

    // Property method public $url; public $controllerName = "Index"; public $methodName = "Index"; public $controllerPath = "app/controllers/"; public $controller;

    //Auto Load construct public function __construct(){ $this->getUrl(); $this->loadController(); $this->callMethod();


    // Load Url Method public function getUrl(){

    $this->url = isset($_GET['url']) ? $_GET['url'] : NULL;
    if ($this->url != NULL) {
      $this->url = rtrim($this->url , '/');
      $this->url = explode('/', filter_var($this->url, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL));
    } else {


    // Load controller method public function loadController(){ if (!isset($this->url[0])) { include $this->controllerPath . $this->controllerName.".php"; $this->controller = new $this->controllerName(); }else{ $this->controllerName = $this->url[0]; $fileName = $this->controllerPath . $this->controllerName.".php"; if (file_exists($fileName)) { include $fileName; if (class_exists($this->controllerName)) { $this->controller = new $this->controllerName(); }else{ header("Location:".BASE_URL."/Index"); } }else{ header("Location:".BASE_URL."/Index"); } } }

    // Load Method
    public function callMethod(){
      if (isset($this->url[2])) {
        $this->methodName = $this->url[1];
        if (method_exists($this->controller, $this->methodName)) {
        if (isset($this->url[1])) {
          $this->methodName = $this->url[1];
          if (method_exists($this->controller, $this->methodName)) {
          if (method_exists($this->controller, $this->methodName)) {

2020-05-12_205321 2020-05-12_205244 2020-05-12_205221

How to Install

  • Create a database name (db_mvc)
  • Import database file (db_mvc.sql)
  • Admin:Info
  • Admin username: nababurbd@gmail.com
  • Admin pass: Ba123456


Nababur Rahaman

Happy Open Source....