
In NFC menu adding an choose option to write in the tag or locally in the microSD

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I tried lot of rfid chips and many of the one working on mir:ror are no longer working in the 2022 NFC Card.
Just because these tags are not writable even they are recognised and readed correctly.
I have the "PICC not managed" issue.

The problem is with this version of NFC management you save in the tag while with mir:ror and nabaztag:tag you only read the chip ans save in cloud the UID and the action.

It would be a great improvement if at the moment to write the tag, a choice would let us decide to put it inside the tag in a NDEF zone or to save locally on micro SD card.

Making a local list would make the use of locked tags possible like in old times!

The saving in the tag is in fact needed only if you share your tags into various nabaztag or with friends.

I hope You will get a look at this!

Thank you for your time.