- 1
- 5
Cannot get HEAD - not a git repository?
#479 opened by Madcat-76310 - 1
ASR script no longer works
#383 opened by pguyot - 0
Heartbeat pulse is jerky
#458 opened by GilDev - 0
Calling services directly from nabd
#453 opened by nmaggioni - 17
ASR flaky with Bullseye
#316 opened by f-laurens - 1
Add debian upgrade in the interface
#448 opened by FlorentBL2 - 2
Text-to-Speech feature
#425 opened by gremlin-58 - 1
- 2
NFC tags cannot trigger "gourou" messages
#407 opened by cyril1929 - 0
nabweatherd - Bad Request
#442 opened by liouma - 4
Ears driver broken on v1.0.0 images
#394 opened by f-laurens - 4
comitup not installed when performing web update
#384 opened by nabaztag2018 - 2
- 0
Fix issues seen by CodeQL
#431 opened by pguyot - 1
IFTTT is ok but... What about N8N?
#429 opened by hpiedcoq - 0
Tag repository for Hacktoberfest
#427 opened by mehdichaouch - 3
2022 NFC cards versus ASR
#413 opened by f-laurens - 3
Voice command get the rabbit stuck with pink nose
#409 opened by zogoon - 0
Implemente native MQTT fonction
#423 opened by adetauriac - 7
Add the Version for all software in the Upgrade view.
#400 opened by Nicosss - 0
In NFC menu adding an choose option to write in the tag or locally in the microSD
#419 opened by Moon-s-Heart - 0
Adding Shut Down function in the NFC action list
#418 opened by Moon-s-Heart - 1
- 2
Event "NFC detect tag" is fired after writing the configuration to the tag
#389 opened by nabaztag2018 - 6
- 4
NFC tag support?
#408 opened by f-laurens - 0
- 2
Breathing animation stays active in sleep mode
#395 opened by mrcroupotin - 1
- 3
Update page only displays pynab status
#388 opened by nabaztag2018 - 1
Exception "ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')" should be caught in
#387 opened by nabaztag2018 - 0
nabd can get stuck in interactive mode
#385 opened by nabaztag2018 - 0
Disable ssh
#351 opened by pguyot - 0
Simplify comitup/network connection feedback logic
#378 opened by pguyot - 0
nabd stuck in interactive mode when configuring a tag while nabd is "busy"
#360 opened by nabaztag2018 - 0
Cannot configure tag while Nabaztag is sleeping
#353 opened by pguyot - 0
- 0
Nabweatherd uses descriptions instead of icons
#371 opened by pguyot - 4
- 2
Install/CI issue with Kaldi archives
#339 opened by f-laurens - 4
Use of comitup to setup Wifi with Wifi ?
#337 opened by nabaztag2018 - 0
CI 'Tests' workflow failure
#333 opened by f-laurens - 1
'pi' user handling on latest Raspberry Pi OS images
#330 opened by f-laurens - 5
Drivers build broken with kernel 5.15.xx
#323 opened by f-laurens - 1
CI broken for raspios "latest" images
#329 opened by f-laurens - 6
- 8
RFID tag handling broken on Pi Zero 2
#315 opened by f-laurens - 2
Missing 'error' sounds
#292 opened by f-laurens - 1
Debian Bullseye support
#300 opened by f-laurens