- We aim to prepare a dynamic vaccine allocation system. The application optimally prioritize the vaccine distribution across nation with a mathematical model to back it's proper functioning thus minimizing cost, duration, lives lost and several other parameters.
- Despite how universal this vaccine distribution problem is, there isn’t any concrete model or system to fully optimise this process in order to flatten the rising Covid cases curve.
- max(0, (avg_age - current_age) / 70) * 100
TYPE OF CLASS (out of 100):
Occupation | Weightage |
Frontliner | 100 |
Working Class | 80 |
Unhealthy(with Comorbidity)/old | 70 |
Lactating Women | 60 |
Rest | 50 |
- Imported from API (https://api.covid19india.org/state_district_wise.json)
POPULATION DENSITY (factor out of 100)
- (cur_state_density / max_pop_density) * 100
Final Algorithm
- Grade Point = Σ (3a, 3b, 3c, d) / 10
- This grade point will lie in range [0, 100] and on this basis priority can be assigned for given range and stored as column within MySql database along with user details.
- Now Priority will be set accordingly from database:
- Priority 1 = Top 10%
- Priority 2 = 10 - 20%
- Priority 3 = 20 - 40%
- Priority 4 = 40 - 70%
- Priority 5 = 70 - 100% (Bottom 30%)
- Step1: Fetch details of user
- Step2: Feed the details into model to assign score/priority value.
- Step3: Save the user into database with it’s assigned priority.
- Step4: Keep the database sorted in order to get ordering of vaccination of regional population.
- Step5: Calculate time of vaccination for each individual accordingly.
- Video Demo link : https://youtu.be/YRikBqPfWfA
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