
Authenticate user using GitHub oauth

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Github oauth using Flask

This project authenticates user using github's oauth.


  • git
  • python3.6
  • node


  • Open your Github
  • Go to Settings -> Developer settings -> OAuth Apps
  • Create New OAuth App
  • Fill all the details
  • For Homepage URL put http://localhost:3000
  • For callback URL put http://localhost:3000/api/auth/github
  • Register the Application
  • You'll get a Client ID
  • Now generate a Client secret
  • Clone this repo https://github.com/nabin-nath/react-flask.git
  • cd to project cd react-flask
  • Install the dependencies npm i
  • Paste your Client ID in .env-example and rename it to .env
  • cd to api cd api
  • create a virtualenv for python3.6
  • activate virtualenv
  • Paste your Client ID and Client secret in .env-example and rename it to .env
  • run pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the code

  • Make sure your virtualenv is activated, then run flask run(in the api directory)
  • open new terminal and cd to react-flask cd react-flask
  • run npm start