
Full-stack, real-time Discord clone featuring servers, channels, video calls, audio calls, message editing, deletion, and member roles. 🌐🚀💬🎥🔊👥

Primary LanguageTypeScript


  • Real-time messaging using Socket.io
  • Send attachments as messages using UploadThing
  • Delete & Edit messages in real time for all users
  • Create Text, Audio and Video Channels
  • 1:1 conversation between members
  • Member management (Kick, Role change Guest / Moderator)
  • Unique invite link generation & full working invite system
  • Infinite loading for messages in batches of 10 (tanstack/query)
  • Server creation and customization
  • Beautiful UI using TailwindCSS and ShadcnUI
  • Full responsivity and mobile UI
  • Light / Dark mode
  • Websocket fallback: Polling with alerts
  • ORM using Prisma
  • Authentication with Clerk

Authentication | Dark Mode | Upload Things