

Version: 3.1.12
Download: Google Play
Download: Android APK |MD5: 193fb6cf66d821810fb443f69af0276a
Security Tip: Please use the MD5 verify the APK to avoid fake App.

Update content:

  • Add: Support BCH network
  • Add: Support TBC network observation account
  • Fix: Fix some bugs collected from community

Historic Version


Version: V3.1.14
Download: App Store
Download: TestFlight

Update content:

  • Add: Support BCH network
  • Add: Support TBC network observation account
  • Fix: Fix some bugs collected from community

Historic Version

Chrome Extension

Version: V1.2.11
Download: Chrome Extension

Update content:

  • Add: Support Pastel network
  • Fix: Fix some bugs collected from community

Historic Version