This repository contains all FEniCS and Firedrake codes used for our work on reference configuration computations of nonlinear elasticity, found here:

N. A. Barnafi, F. Regazzoni, D. Riccobelli "Reconstructing relaxed configurations in elastic bodies: mathematical formulation and numerical methods for cardiac modeling" Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (2024) 423, 116845

In it you will find:

Section 4: Self-intersection of the stress-free state

For this section, we used the ´firedrake/´ folder.

  • For generating the meshes, check the ´memo.txt´ file.
  • To generate Figures 4 and 5, use ´´
  • To perform the preconditioners comparison, use ´´. Here, the third parameter can be either ´hypre´ for AMG or ´mg´ for GDSW.

Section 6: Numerical tests

For this section, we used the ´fenics/´ folder.

  • To run the Numerical Convergence tests, use the files ´add filenames´.
  • To run the robustness tests, use ´´. This will spam all tasks through ´tsp´ so that they run in the background. Analogously, use ´´ for the other tests.
  • To obtain Figure 7, use ´´.
  • To compute the performance and CPU time comparisons, use ´´.
  • All tests on the four chambers heart were performed in lifex (see website.)