
Simple Repository regarding tweet classification using huggingface tokenizer and transformer, and tracking using weights and biases.

Primary LanguagePython


Simple Repository for kaggle competition regarding tweet classification. This repository uses huggingface tokenizer and transformer model which case specified as input argument, and tracks accuracy, losses and gradients using wandb.


config.txt contains all the default configuration parameters. They are used by code to create and load model, load train and test data, get batch size, decide dropout ratio etc. Look through config.txt for more parameters.


start_lr = 2e-5
train_bs = 8
valid_bs = 8
epochs = 5
max_len = 160
dropout_ratio = 0.1
linear_in = 768
num_classes = 2
warmup_epochs = 0
test_size = 0.2
train_file ='./train.csv'
test_file = './test.csv'
model_name = 'bert-base-uncased'
seed = 42
use_sched = True

Use get_config and set_config from config.py to read and update config.txt. set_config accepts dictonary to set new values for parameters.

Note:- get_config and set_config use configparser to get and set config, and config.txt adheres to file structure expected by configparser.



    --freeze             : If true, all layers except top linear layers will be freezed.
                           Default: True 
    --save_plot          : Save loss and accuracy plots.
                           Default: False
    --track              : Track the stats using wandb.
                           Default: False
    --wandb_project_name : Name of wandb project.


# Default
python main.py

# With unfreezed layers and saving plots.
python main.py --freeze False --track True

# Track using wandb
python main.py --track True --wandb_project_name <name_of_project>

NOTE:- When '--track' is True, program expects wandb API key to be set through enviornment variable 'WANDB_API_KEY'.


These libraries can be installed through pip

pip install transformers
pip install wandb


Will update links soon.