Demo for MapBox

How to build

In order build the project succesfully we need 2 tokens from

Secret token

  • Secret token will be used for downloading the library at compile time.

  • Get a private token from Secret tokens start with sk.

  • Create a file in $HOME/.gradle/, if it exists then just open it. The add your token as below.


Public token

  • Public token will be used everytime a request is sent to mapbox servers.

  • Get your public default token from Public tokens start with pk.

  • Create a file in app/src/main/res/values/developer_config.xml and paste the token there. In this project, below file is ignored by git.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <string name="mapbox_access_token">YOUR_PUBLIC_TOKEN_HERE</string>