- Front-end team: Wireframe with FIGMA
- Front-end team: Decide on main web app identity
- Front-end team: Research visualization alternatives for the book page
- Back-end team: Explore the book API's
- Guillaume: Start exploring the NYT API to get the book lists
- Nacho: Start exploring the AYLIEN API to get the sentiments for the books
- Nacho: Use the twitter API to search for tweets for x book
- Back-end team: Get the v 0.1 of the schema ready (see schema.xml at db.lewagon.com)
- Back-end team: Upload the project to GITHUB and share it with the team
- Everyone: Brainstorm main features and functionality
- Everyone: Define roles and main responsibilities
- Everyone: Distribute first day tasks
- Ruby version ruby '2.4.4'
- Rails version Rails '5.2.1'
- First download instructions
- Run bundle install on the first download
- Run yarn install to download webpack packages (if any)
- Run rails db:create
- Run rails db:migrate
- Run rails db:seed