
Proof of concept BitBucket Event Source for Knative

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BitBucket Source

This repository implements a simple Event Source to wire BitBucket events into Knative Eventing.

Deployment Steps

You will need:

  1. An internet-accessible Kubernetes cluster with Knative Serving installed. Follow the installation instructions if you need to create one.
  2. Ensure Knative Serving is configured with a domain name that allows BitBucket to call into the cluster.
  3. If you're using GKE, you'll also want to assign a static IP address.
  4. Install Knative Eventing. Those instructions also install the default eventing sources.
  5. Finally, install the BitBucket source with ko apply -f ./config

BitBucket Source Spec Fields

The BitBucketSource fires a new event for selected BitBucket event types. Here are the spec fields:

  • ownerAndRepository: string The BitBucket owner/team and repository to receive events from. The repository may be left off to receive events from an entire team.
  • eventTypes: []string A list of event types in "event key" format.
  • consumerKey.secretKeyRef: SecretKeySelector containing a BitBucket consumer key for configuring a BitBucket OAuth client. Must be set.
  • consumerSecret.secretKeyRef: SecretKeySelector containing a BitBucket consumer secret for configuring a BitBucket OAuth client. Must be set.
  • serviceAccountName: string The name of the ServiceAccount to run the container as.
  • sink: ObjectReference A reference to the object that should receive events.


Now we are going to show an example of how to consume BitBucket events.

Create a Knative Service

To verify the BitBucketSource is working, we will create a simple Knative Service that dumps incoming messages to its log. The service.yaml file in the sample folder defines this basic service.

apiVersion: serving.knative.dev/v1alpha1
kind: Service
  name: bitbucket-message-dumper
            image: gcr.io/knative-releases/github.com/knative/eventing-sources/cmd/message_dumper

Enter the following command to create the service from service.yaml:

kubectl --namespace default apply --filename ./sample/service.yaml

Create a BitBucket OAuth Consumer

Create an OAuth Consumer in BitBucket that the BitBucket Source can use to register webhooks with the BitBucket API.

The OAuth Consumer can be named anything you find convenient. The BitBucket Source requires Webhooks Read and Write, Repositories Read, and Issues Read to let it fire events from your public repositories and to create webhooks for those repositories.

Here's an example of how to create an OAuth Consumer named "knative-test" with the recommended scopes:

BitBucket OAuth Consumer

Note that in the Callback URL you should add your cluster domain, e.g., http://default.company.com. Upon successful creation, you will be able to see the generated key and secret for that OAuth Consumer.

BitBucket OAuth Credentials

Update bitbucket-secret.yaml with those values. If the generated OAuth Consumer key is 'oauth_consumer_key_value' and the generated secret is 'oauth_consumer_secret_value', you'd modify bitbucket-secret.yaml in the sample folder as follows:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: bitbucket-secret
type: Opaque
  consumerKey: oauth_consumer_key_value
  consumerSecret: oauth_consumer_secret_value

Then, apply the secret using kubectl:

kubectl --namespace default apply --filename ./sample/bitbucket-secret.yaml

Create an Event Source for BitBucket Events

In order to receive BitBucket events, you have to create a concrete Event Source for a specific namespace. Be sure to replace the ownerAndRepository value with a valid BitBucket public repository owned by your BitBucket user.

apiVersion: sources.nachocano.org/v1alpha1
kind: BitBucketSource
  name: bitbucket-source-sample
    - repo:push
    - repo:commit_status_created
  ownerAndRepository: <YOUR USER>/<YOUR REPO>
      name: bitbucket-secret
      key: consumerKey
      name: bitbucket-secret
      key: consumerSecret
    apiVersion: serving.knative.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: Service
    name: bitbucket-message-dumper

Then, apply that yaml using kubectl:

kubectl --namespace default apply --filename ./sample/bitbucket-source.yaml


Verify that the BitBucket webhook was created by looking at the list of webhooks under the Settings tab in your BitBucket repository. A hook should be listed that points to your Knative cluster. If you edit it, you can see its details. Note that this particular webhook is listening for Push and Commit comment created events, as defined in the bitbucket-source.yaml in the sample folder.

BitBucket Webhook

Create Events

Create a push in your BitBucket repository. We will verify that the BitBucket event was sent to the Knative eventing system by looking at our message dumper function logs.

kubectl --namespace default get pods
kubectl --namespace default logs bitbucket-message-dumper-XXXX user-container

You should log lines similar to:

2019/03/06 13:16:40 Message Dumper received a message: POST / HTTP/1.1
Host: bitbucket-message-dumper.default.svc.cluster.local
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Ce-Event-Key: "repo:push"
Ce-Id: d65b2f88-11b6-4588-b1ba-d5095a160235
Ce-Request-Uuid: "d65b2f88-11b6-4588-b1ba-d5095a160235"
Ce-Source: https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/someuser/somerepo/commits?include=somecommit&exclude=somecommit
Ce-Specversion: 0.2
Ce-Time: 2019-03-06T13:16:40.667029098Z
Ce-Type: dev.knative.source.bitbucket.repo:push
Content-Length: 4437
Content-Type: application/json
User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1
X-B3-Parentspanid: 36c826a98b911016
X-B3-Sampled: 1
X-B3-Spanid: 1fe8b6975b2b6c2d
X-B3-Traceid: 0573724c260219df
X-Envoy-Expected-Rq-Timeout-Ms: 600000
X-Envoy-Internal: true
X-Forwarded-Proto: http
X-Request-Id: 81b4603c-3f2b-9e0b-ace4-fe3a7aeb2047



You can remove the BitBucket webhook by deleting the BitBucket Source:

kubectl --namespace default delete --filename ./sample/bitbucket-source.yaml

Similarly, you can remove the Service and Secret via:

kubectl --namespace default delete --filename ./sample/service.yaml
kubectl --namespace default delete --filename ./sample/bitbucket-secret.yaml