This Google Apps script imports time entries from into a Google Sheet using their Detailed Report API.
For a given month it displays in a sheet all your tasks. [Date - Who - Hours - Description]
Open this Google Sheet and make a copy in your Google Drive account.
Create a new Google Sheet.
Create a new script in your newly created Google Sheet and paste the contents of the files
in their respective script files.
to fill in your workspace_id and api_token.
To figure out your workspace_id: go to Team in The number at the end of the URL is the workspace id.
To figure out your api_token: go to your Profile in, your API token is at the bottom of the page.
After a reopen of your Google Sheet you will have a new menu open called "Toggl" with a sub-menu "Get Timesheet for Month".
Fill a date of the month you want to import in cell B1. So if you want your timesheet for December 2016, fill the date 01/12/2016 and click Toggl > Get Timesheet for Month.
Credits go to koen-github which provided an example on how to use the Toggl API with Google Sheet.