
Convert CSV files to sqlite3 databases

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Convert CSV files to a sqlite3 database.

The table name is the csv file name (without the .csv extension). The first row is treated as the header for all columns.

This script was originally written for the purpose of converting an excel file into a sqlite database for inclusion in an Android app. For this reason it performs the following extra functions:

  • converting empty values to null
  • adding an android_metadata table to the database
  • adding a __id primary key column to each table.

Goes well together with android-sqlite-asset-helper.


python2 csv2sqlite.py <csv-filename> <sqlite-filename>


$ cat airline_data.csv
BA;British Airways;United Kingdom

$ python2 csv2sqlite.py airline_data.csv airlines.db
Making table airlines with 3 columns
Imported 2 rows into airlines.db

$ sqlite3 airlines.db
sqlite> ...
sqlite> select * from airline_data
__id    Code    Airline            Country
1       LH      Lufthansa          Germany
2       BA      British Airways    United Kingdom