Pleae install the following softare:
- current R installation i.e.
. Install from if on a mac installation via homebrew is possible by executing:
brew tap homebrew/science
brew install r
- RStudio on ma mac installlation via brew is possible by executing
brew cask install rstudio
and these packages:
- data.table
- dplyr
- dbplyr
- devtools
- roxygen2
- tidyverse
- shiny
- xml2
- rvest
- robustbase
- mvoutlier
- Rcpp
- including the compiler (Xcode from the MacAppStore on macOS or for Windows Rtools
- if everything is set up, the follwing line should return 4:
- replyr
- sparklyR
- rmarkdown
- xtable
- stargazer
Additionally, some packages with data sets are required:
This line installs all the packages:
install.packages(c("data.table","dplyr","dbplyr","devtools","roxygen2","tidyverse","shiny","xml2","rvest","robustbase","mvoutlier","Rcpp", "replyr", "rmarkdown", "xtable", "stargazer"))
# some data to analyze later on
install.packages(c("nycflights13", "Lahman"))
Java8 i.e. JRE8 or JDK8 should be installed.
On the first run you also must download spark. First check for available versions
Then, download the latest version of spark. Currently, this is 2.2.0
spark_install(version = "2.2.0", hadoop_version = "2.7")