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kollex Coding Challenge – Wholesaler Integration

kollex digitalizes the traditional B2B wholesale by building a digital beverage ecosystem. With our platform gastronomy customers can order everything in a one-stop-shop from their associated wholesalers.

It's a decentralized concept, which implies, that kollex integrates with many wholesalers and gastronomy systems in all kind of ways and formats - from enterprise ERP systems to modern hypermedia APIs to classic CSV files.

One of the essential information that is synced with the kollex platform to allow gastronomy customers ordering products from their associated wholesalers is the wholesaler's product assortment.

Your Task

Your task is building a small piece of software, which is able to verify and interpret assortment and product information from different sources in different data formats. The amount of data and the exemplary "Product" schema is very simplified for the purpose of this coding challenge.

The challenge is to create a modern, maintainable, testable and extendable application, which:

  • follows a pragmatic, but clean approach by
    • building a smart software architecture
    • e.g. utilizing the right design patterns without over-engineering
  • follows best practices
  • can easily be extended to integrate additional sources or data formats
  • is fully testable for continuous integration and delivery

The Data

In the /data folder, you find examples of assortment data in two different formats:

  • wholsesaler_a.csv
    provides assortment data in CSV format
  • wholsesaler_b.json
    provides assortment data in a JSON format

The Goal

The goal is an application, which integrates different data formats (see "The Data") and maps those into the target schema, which you can find in the swagger.yaml. This file does not describe a web API, but only defines the "Product" schema.

Your application should read the given data files (see "The Data") and return a JSON structure with a list of products as defined in the Swagger definition.

The Product Interface

The project provides the empty Interface \Kollex\Assortment\ProductInterface. Please implement this (based on the Product schema mentioned above) and/or all additionally required Interfaces or other types of Classes, which you think fit best for the given scenario.


Your application DOES NOT NEED to expose a web API or a CLI interface. A simple PHP file as entrypoint is good enough. The focus of this task is the implementation of the data integration, validation and mapping.

What We expect

  • using as few libraries as possible (testing libraries do not count)
  • clean, well-structured code, that follows best practices
  • tests. It's up to you which type of tests you want to write
  • documentation of code, concepts or possible extensions in a way you think it fits best

Voluntary Tasks

  • Docker setup: a Dockerfile and a docker-compose file, to run the whole stack via docker-compose up
  • descriptions, why you chose a specific structure or pattern, framework or library compared to other options
  • a description of how you decided what tests to write