Kata Machine (Go)

ThePrimeagen's kata machine for CHAD gophers.

How it works

Make sure you have Go installed.

clone the repo and install the dependencies

go get ./...

edit the config.yaml file

DSA: [

create a day of katas, this will use the list in the config.yaml.

go generate
# OR go run main.go generate

OR if you want to generate katas not from config but from arguments instead:

go run main.go generate QuickSort Queue

OR if you want to pass custom config:

go run main.go generate --configPath some_other_config.yaml

this will progressively create folders named


that will contain files with empty kata implementation and files with tests for it.

BTW there is src/DSA/helpers.go file with some common functions/structs (e.g. ZeroValue), you can use them if you want to.


Just run go test ./... within a day folder if you want to run all the tests for a day.

Or go test ./QuickSort within a day folder if you want to run only QuickSort tests.

Check go help test for more details.

There is also test command you can use from the root folder:

go run main.go test             # runs all the tests for current day
go run main.go test -day 1      # runs all the tests for day 1
go run main.go test Queue       # runs Queue test for current day
go run main.go test Queue Stack # runs Queue and Stack tests for current day
go run main.go test Queue -v    # runs Queue test for current day with verbose output
go run main.go test -- -v       # runs all the tests for current day with verbose output


  • Add other DSA
    • LinearSearchList
    • BubbleSort
    • SinglyLinkedList
    • DoublyLinkedList
    • Queue
    • Stack
    • ArrayList
    • QuickSort
    • MergeSort
    • MinHeap
    • DFSOnBST
    • LRU
    • BinarySearchList
    • TwoCrystalBalls
    • MazeSolver
    • BTPreOrder
    • BTInOrder
    • BTPostOrder
    • BTBFS
    • CompareBinaryTrees
    • DFSOnBST
    • DFSGraphList
    • Trie
    • BFSGraphMatrix
    • Map
  • "test" command
  • "test" command (pattern matching)
  • Stats