

Primary LanguageJava

Goal is to have a framework/tooling to manipulate files at a byte (assumed octet) level. For example:

  • view a file in a traditional hex view
  • knowing the offset and size of a static array of pointers to C-strings in a file, visualize said strings line wise in a text view
  • extract by path the bytes of a PNG from a ZIP and visualize the red/green/blue components as 3 individual texts, editing the ZIP file updates the 3 texts
  • ...

Project uses Apache ANT:

$ ant run

$ ant jar  # to simply generate jar/Jexad.jar


  • src/base/: basic (update()-able) objects, eg. Buf
  • src/inter/: interaction with the tool, eg. front-end script, list defined objects
  • src/ops/: operations that can be performed on object, eg. Slice
  • src/views/: different presentations of objects, eg. TextView
  • test/: you get the idea

Basic Objects

  • Buf: a buffer on raw bytes
  • Lst: a list of objects
  • Num: a number, either integral or decimal (Java's Big[..])
  • Fun: a factory factory of doom
  • Sym: an immutable symbol (eg. :coucou)
  • a newly created object is updated right-away (by calling super.init)
  • updating Sym is usl noop, it cannot depend on anything anyway

Script Front-End

A tiny DSL is hacked together to define objects; this is the full syntax:

<script> ::= <var> '=' <expr> {';' <var> '=' <expr>} [';']
<expr> ::= <atom> | <fun> {<expr>} | <expr> ',' <expr>
<atom> ::= <str> | <num> | <lst> | <fun> | <sym> | <var> | '(' <expr> ')'

<comment> ::= '#' /.*/ '\n'

<str> ::= '"' /[^"]/ '"'
<num> ::= ['-'] /0x[0-9A-Fa-f_]+|0o[0-8_]+|0b[01_]+|[0-9_](\.[0-9_])?|'[^']'/
<lst> ::= '{' [<atom> {',' <atom>}] '}'
<fun> ::= /[A-Z][0-9A-Z]+/
<sym> ::= ':' /[0-9A-Za-z_]+/
<var> ::= /[a-z_][0-9a-z_]+/


filebuf = Read filename;
lst = Slice filebuf list_off list_end
    , Rect _ 4
    ; # hint: read the ',' as 'then'
ptrs = Map Parse lst;

The accepted escape sequences in string literals and character literals are:

  • \a: 0x07
  • \b: 0x08
  • \e: 0x1B
  • \f: 0x0C
  • \n: 0x0A
  • \r: 0x0D
  • \t: 0x09
  • \v: 0x0B
  • \\: 0x5C
  • \': 0x27
  • \": 0x22
  • \x: 2 hex digits byte
  • \u: 4 hex digits codepoint below 0x10000
  • \U: 8 hex digits codepoint
  • 3 oct digits (idk y tho, is there this much use for it?)

Few random notes:

  • sequences of codepoints/characters/bytes.. are never validated in anyways
  • lists of mixed types are accepted, this is how tuples and var-args are 'supported'
  • a function make take Obj, this is how generics are 'supported'
  • Java-side 'generics' are purely cosmetic

Syntaxic sugar extension:

<atom> ::= ... | '(=' <math> ')' | '($' <bind> ')'

<math> ::
    = <unop> <atom>
    | <atom> <binop> <atom>
    | <atom> '?' <atom> ':' <atom>
    | <atom> '[' <atom> [':' [<atom>]] ']'
<unop> ::= '+' '-' '!' '~'
<binop> ::= '+' '-' '*' '/' '%' '//' '**' '==' '!=' '>' '<' '>=' '<=' '<=>' '&' '|' '^' '<<' '>>'

<bind> ::= <fun> {<atom>}

<math> gets expanded to the equivalent set of nested calls to Add, Sub, ... <bind> is a shorthand for calling the Bind function:

first2b = Bind Slice {:0, 0, 2}
# same as
first2b = ($Slice :0 0 2)


Operations are Java classes that you can make Fun of.. uh... (For example the class Split is the function Split in script.)

Views on a Buffer

There are 3 view planned/implemented, all are on a byte buffer:

  • a text view (your usual notepad)
  • a hex view (like xxd -g1)
  • an image view (1 byte palette, 3 bytes RGB/BGR bytes or 4 with alpha)