YourAnimeList: a Discord bot designed to provide quick access to MyAnimeList

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


YAL (YourAnimeList) is a Discord bot designed to provide quick access to MyAnimeList ("MAL"). It relies on the JS (node) version of the Jikan API.

The in-discord help command is "yal?".

(Please note that YAL was made for a small, French community.)


To get YAL to respond, you want to start your message with "yal, " (case insensitive) then follow with the desired command.

c-kwa example

YAL only supports so many commands:

  1. "c-kwa": If YAL know this term he will return its translation (from weeb to human) else he will ask in its turn what this is so it can learn.
  2. "change": This command can be used to change the translation of a word. If YAL doesn't know the world your changing, a new entry will be created.
  3. "oublie": To remove a word YAL knows, use this command. YAL can't forget a word he don't know.
  4. "c-ou": YAL goes through the pain of looking-up MAL for an anime name you provided, then it sends a link. If this is not what you where looking for, you can answer negatively to get 5 other names.


c-ou example


If YAL answered with a question, you should reply omitting the "yal,". YAL can see when a response is negative (e.g.: "no", "nop", "non", "nah", "nn"...) or positive ("yes", "yep", "ye", "oui", "ui"...) or if it contains a number:

follow-up example

Side note: YAL only listen for an answer from whoever he asked anything. If the next message of that user doesn't look like a valid answer, YAL should not take it into account and will consider the exchange as terminated (will stop waiting for an answer to its question).


With any of the commands, you can precise what kind of object, as a category, you are referring to with parenthesis:

change example

Categories are made for words that may have multiples translation depending on the media (anime/manga/...). Custom categories can be defined when entering a word with "c-kwa" (or "change"), but they should be wary of the fact that YAL will use the name of the category when researching MAL (using "c-ou").