
Translation of shell scripts to PowerShell scripts

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


An abandoned attempt at automatic translation of shell scripts to PowerShell scripts.


Used as a nodejs module, this exports a function:

function shtopw(source: string, options?: Options, handlers?: Handlers): string

Ideally, this function only throws SyntaxErrors forwarded from the shell parser.

The exported object also has the following properties:

  • defaultOptions: the default options, when not specified
  • defaultHandlers: the handlers, when not overriden (via the third parameter)
  • defaultSymbol: a symbol (is available) to use for a handler's fallback on missing key


The existing and implemented options are:

  • shebang: preprends a line to the output (default: "#!/usr/bin/env pwsh")
  • EOL: the end of line sequence, defaults to "\n"
  • indent: indentation style for the generated script (example: "\t")


Given the project will probably not move a lot, here is the state of things.


A JavaScript script file generated with npm run build (uses the build.js script). It is used to call shtopw from the command line:

Usage: shtopw ([-f] <file.sh> | -s <source> | -d <dir>) [[-o] <out.ps1>] ...

This file is build on postinstall.


The test and coverage are done using Jest with the test.js script. Actual tests are in the tests/snippets folder which are meant to be run with the tests/playground/ as current working directory.

To run the test, it will require in the path:

  • sh to be a POSIX-compliant shell script interpreter (eg. bash, with the --posix flag)
  • pwsh to be the PowerShell interpreter (not sure the minimal version, 7.1 was used in development)


The main.js scripts uses this fork of bash-parser to build and traverse an AST representation of the source script. Elements are forwarded to the appropriated handlers; there are 3 kinds of handlers: node, command and variable.

Node Handlers

The nodes are as defined by the bash-parser (see here); a correct handler for a node is expected to build and return a list of lines to emit, taking as parameters the node itself and the current context.

Command Handlers

Command handlers should translate when appropriated a shell command to PowerShell equivalent. A valid hander can be either a string (in the case of a direct translation) or a function akin to a node handler. Returning a single string (as in not a list) will let shtopw in charge of the command's arguments, as if it was a direct translation of the command.

Variable Handlers

Variable handers are similar to command handlers (either a string or a function) except if it is a function, it is expected to return a single string (not a list). The default handler for variables is used for the shell arguments (${n}).

Default Symbol

For any handler h, h[shtopw.defaultSymbol] can be set as the default fallback. Note that it does not have priority over defined entries.

The Context

When calling an any handler, the context is passed around. This context consists of the following properties:

  • source: the raw source passed to shtopw
  • options: the options passed to shtopw
  • handlers: the current handlers (node, command and variable)
  • root: the AST representation of the whole script being processed
  • ast: the AST representation of the nearest parent Script node (which may differ from root)
  • indent: the current indentation