
cardano lib demo

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


A client library for Cardano in Java. This library simplifies the interaction with Cardano blockchain from a Java application.

Latest Beta: 0.2.0-beta2 (Pure Java)

Latest Stable Version : 0.1.5

Note: In 0.1.5 or earlier versions, it uses a rust module though JNI. The library bundles the platform specific binaries of this rust module. You can check the supported operating systems below.

Supported Operating Systems (For 0.1.5 or earlier and 0.2.0-beta1)

The library has been tested on the following Operating Systems.

  • Apple MacOS (Intel and Apple Silicon)
  • Linux (x86_64) (Ubuntu 18.04 and above or compatible ...)
  • Windows 64bits (x86_64)
  • Android (both x86 and ARM in 32-bit and 64-bit)



Cardano-client-lib examples repository



Address Generation

  • Address Generation (Base Address, Enterprise Address)
  • Generate Address from Mnemonic phase

Transaction Serialization & Signing

  • API to build Payment transaction (ADA & Native Tokens)
  • CBOR serialization of transaction
  • Transaction signing

Metadata Builder

  • Helper to build Metadata
  • Converter to conver JSON (No Schema) to Metadata format

Token Minting

  • Token Minting transaction builder
  • Native script (ScriptAll, ScriptAny, ScriptAtLeast, ScriptPubKey, RequireTimeAfter, RequireTimeBefore)
  • Policy Id generation

Backend Integration

The plugin also provides integration with Cardano node through different backend services. Out of box, the library currently supports integration with Blockfrost through the Backend api.

For cardano-graphql backend, check cardano-client-backend-gql extension.

Other backend like Cardano-wallet will be added in future release.

Following Backend apis are currently available

  • TransactionService (Submit transaction, Get transaction)
  • AddressService (Get address details)
  • UtxoService (Get utxos for an address)
  • AssetService
  • BlockService
  • NetworkInfoService
  • EpochService
  • MetadataService

Use as a library in a Java Project

Add dependency

  • For Maven, add the following dependency to project's pom.xml
  • For Gradle, add the following dependency to build.gradle
compile 'com.bloxbean.cardano:cardano-client-lib:0.1.5'

Account API Usage

  • Create a New Account
Account account = new Account();   //Create a Mainnet account

Account account = new Account(Networks.mainnet());   //Create a Mainnet account

Account account = new Account(Networks.testnet());  //Create a Testnet account
  • Get base address, enterprise address, mnemonic
String baseAddress = account.baseAddress();  //Base address at index=0

String enterpriseAddress = account.account.enterpriseAddress();  //Enterprise address at index = 0

String mnemonic = account.mnemonic();  //Get Mnemonic
  • Get Account from Mnemonic
String mnemonic = "...";
Account account = new Account(mnemonic);  //Create a Mainnet account from Mnemonic

Account account = new Account(Networks.testnet(), mnemonic); //Create a Testnet account from Mnemonic

Create Blockfrost Backend Service and get other services

BackendService backendService =
                BackendFactory.getBlockfrostBackendService(Constants.BLOCKFROST_TESTNET_URL, "<Blockfrost_Project_id>");

FeeCalculationService feeCalculationService = backendService.getFeeCalculationService();
TransactionHelperService transactionHelperService = backendService.getTransactionHelperService();
TransactionService transactionService = backendService.getTransactionService();
BlockService blockService = backendService.getBlockService();
AssetService assetService = backendService.getAssetService();
UtxoService utxoService = backendService.getUtxoService();
MetadataService metadataService = backendService.getMetadataService();
EpochService epochService = backendService.getEpochService();
AddressService addressService = backendService.getAddressService();

Simple ADA Payment transaction

  PaymentTransaction paymentTransaction = PaymentTransaction.builder()
  //Calculate Time to Live        
  long ttl = blockService.getLastestBlock().getValue().getSlot() + 1000;
  TransactionDetailsParams detailsParams =

  //Calculate fee
  BigInteger fee
          = feeCalculationService.calculateFee(paymentTransaction, detailsParams, null);

  Result<String> result = 
                    transactionHelperService.transfer(paymentTransaction, detailsParam);

      System.out.println("Transaction Id: " + result.getValue());

Native Token transfer

 PaymentTransaction paymentTransaction =

 //Calculate Time to Live        
  long ttl = blockService.getLastestBlock().getValue().getSlot() + 1000;
  TransactionDetailsParams detailsParams =

  //Calculate fee
  BigInteger fee
          = feeCalculationService.calculateFee(paymentTransaction, detailsParams, null);
 Result<String> result = transactionHelperService.transfer(paymentTransaction, detailsParam);

     System.out.println("Transaction Id: " + result.getValue());


Example: 1

ScriptPubkey scriptPubkey = new ScriptPubkey("ad7a7b87959173fc9eac9a85891cc93892f800dd45c0544128228884")
String policyId = scriptPubkey.getPolicyId();

Example: 2

ScriptPubkey scriptPubkey1 = ...;
SecretKey sk1 = ...;

ScriptPubkey scriptPubkey2 = ...;
SecretKey sk2 = ...;

ScriptPubkey scriptPubkey3 = ...;
SecretKey sk3 = ...;

ScriptAtLeast scriptAtLeast = new ScriptAtLeast(2)

String policyId = scriptAtLeast.getPolicyId();

Token Minting transaction

MultiAsset multiAsset = new MultiAsset();

Asset asset = new Asset("testtoken"), BigInteger.valueOf(250000));

MintTransaction mintTransaction = MintTransaction.builder()
                        .policyKeys(Arrays.asList(sk2, sk3))
//Calculate Time to Live        
long ttl = blockService.getLastestBlock().getValue().getSlot() + 1000;
TransactionDetailsParams detailsParams =

//Calculate fee
BigInteger fee
          = feeCalculationService.calculateFee(mintTransaction, detailsParams, null);

Result<String> result = transactionHelperService.mintToken(mintTransaction,


CBORMetadataMap productDetailsMap
                = new CBORMetadataMap()
                .put("code", "PROD-800")
                .put("slno", "SL20000039484");

CBORMetadataList tagList
                = new CBORMetadataList()

Metadata metadata = new CBORMetadata()
                .put(new BigInteger("670001"), productDetailsMap)
                .put(new BigInteger("670002"), tagList);
PaymentTransaction paymentTransaction =

long ttl = blockService.getLastestBlock().getValue().getSlot() + 1000;
TransactionDetailsParams detailsParams =

//Also add metadata for fee calculation
BigInteger fee = feeCalculationService.calculateFee(paymentTransaction, detailsParams, metadata);

//Send metadata as 3rd parameter
Result<String> result
                = transactionHelperService.transfer(paymentTransaction, detailsParams, metadata);


The utxo selection strategy can be changed by providing a custom implementation of "UtxoSelectionStrategy" interface. By default, the high level api like TransactionHelperService uses a default out-of-box implementation "DefaultUtxoSelectionStrategyImpl". The default strategy is too simple and finds all required utxos sequentially. But it may not be efficient for some usecases.

You can create a custom implementation of UtxoSelectionStrategy to change the default utxo selection behaviour. The custom UtxoSelectionStrategy impl can then be set in the UtxoTransactionBuilder through TransactionHelperService.

UtxoSelectionStrategy customUtxoSelectionStrategy = new CustomUtxoSelectionStrategyImpl(utxoService); //Your custom impl


git clone https://github.com/bloxbean/cardano-client-lib.git

./gradlew build fatJar

Run Integration Tests

export BF_PROJECT_ID=<Blockfrost Project Id>
./gradlew :integration-test:integrationTest -PBF_PROJECT_ID=${BF_PROJECT_ID}

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