
Configurable template for a FastAPI application, with Authentication and User integration.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

FastAPI Application Template

Tests codecov pages-build-deployment Codacy Badge

This is a template Repository for starting a new FastAPI project with Authentication and Users, with Authorization already baked-in.

Partial documentation is now availiable on it's own page at https://api-template.seapagan.net. This is a work in progress, and when finished will include full usage information and how-to's.

Important note on Versioning

This template versioning has been refactored to start from Verison 0.4.0.

The original template was written for my own use and probably promoted to V1.0.0 before it should have been, and there have been many updates and fixes since then.

I will keep the old releases available for those who wish to use them (for a short time). It's better to do this now before more users need to update their projects to future versions.

All releases from now on will also contain a Git patch to upgrade from the previous version. This will be in the form of a .patch file which can be applied to their project using the git apply command. This will be documented in the release notes.

Development Release

Actual development work is carried out on the develop branch. When it comes time for a non-alpha/beta release, the develop branch will be merged into main and a new release will be made from there.

Check out the CHANGELOG on that branch for details of what has changed since the last release.

The current development release is Version 0.5.0-alpha2. This is functional but still in development and may contain bugs. It is not currently recommended for serious production use, though there are no known issues at the moment. It is not fully backware compatible with previous versions, if they have been customized.


This template is a ready-to-use boilerplate for a FastAPI project. It has the following advantages to starting your own from scratch :

  • Baked-in User database and management. Routes are provided to add/edit/delete or ban (and unban) Users.
  • Postgresql Integration, using SQLAlchemy ORM, no need for raw SQL queries (unless you want to!). All database usage is Asynchronous. Alembic is used to control database migrations.
  • Register and Login routes provided, both of which return a JWT token to be used in all future requests. JWT Token expires 120 minutes after issue.
  • JWT-based security as a Bearer Token to control access to all your routes.
  • A Refresh Token with 30 day expiry is sent at time of register or login (never again). This will enable easy re-authentication when the JWT expires without needing to send username or password again, and should be done automatically by the Front-End.
  • A clean layout to help structure your project.
  • A command-line admin tool. This allows to configure the project metadata very easily, add users (and make admin), and run a development server. This can easily be modified to add your own functionality (for example bulk add data) since it is based on the excellent asyncclick library.
  • Database and Secrets are automatically read from Environment variables or a .env file if that is provided.
  • User email is validated for correct format on creation (however no checks are performed to ensure the email or domain actually exists).
  • Control permitted CORS Origin through Environment variables.
  • Manager class set up to send emails to users, and by default an email is sent when new users register. The content is set by a template (currently a basic placeholder). This email has a link for the user to confirm their email address - until this is done, the user cannot user the API.
  • Docker and Compose file set up to develop and test this API using Docker

This template is still in very active development and is not yet ready for full production use. However, I am currently using it to develop my own projects, which include some production API's without issues. I will update the template as I find bugs or add new features. I will also be adding more documentation as I go. For the moment, if you wish to use it without getting involved in dev, I'd recommend checking out the latest actual Release.

However, the main branch should be pretty stable as all development is done on the develop branch and merged into main when ready.

The template Requires Python 3.8.1+ or higher. It is developed under Python 3.11.

This template is free to use but I would request some accreditation. If you do use it in one of your applications, please put a small note in your readme stating that you based your project on this Template, with a link back to this repository. Thank You 😊

For those who let me know they are using this Template, I'll add links back to your project in this documentation.

If this template saves you time/effort/money, or you just wish to show your appreciation for my work, why not Buy me a Coffee! 😃


Click the 'Use this template' button at the top of the Repository on GitHub. This will create a new repository in your personal GitHub account (Not a Fork) which you can then Clone and start working on.

It is assumed that you have at least some knowledge of FastAPI to use this template, there are very good Basic and Advanced User Guides on the FastAPI website .

Visit our Documentation Pages for usage, how-to's and more.


Develop on containers

⚠️ For local use rename .env.example to .env.

It is possible to develop directly on Docker containers :

Using docker compose up (recommended):

docker compose up

To run and rebuild image (dependency updates):

docker compose up --build

To remove all containers:

docker compose down

Using docker compose run:

First run migrations:

docker compose run --rm api alembic upgrade head

Run containers:

docker compose run --rm --service-ports api uvicorn --host main:app --reload

To rebuild image (dependency updates):

docker compose build

Migrations on containers

Running migrations on Docker container is also possible:

docker compose run --rm api alembic upgrade head

Testing on containers

Running tests on Docker container is also possible:

docker compose run --rm api pytest

Planned Functionality

See the TODO.md file for plans.


This project has a test suite for Integration and Unit tests. We use pytest for this.

These can be run from the checked out code with:

$ pytest

It is possible to run either the Unit or Integration tests separately using pytest -m unit or pytest -m integration

Full tests will be run automatically by GitHub Actions on every new commit pushed up to the remote repository. Code Coverage is also checked and noted after each test suite is run.

Code Quality

To be written

Known Bugs

See the BUGS.md file for known bugs.

Who is Using this Template?

Meh, at the moment probably no-one except me 😆. If you do use this in one of your own projects, drop me a message and I'll add your profile and project links here 😃.


See Contributing for details on how to contribute to this project.

GitHub Discussions

I have enabled Discussions on this repository, so if you have any questions, suggestions or just want to chat about this template, please feel free to start a discussion.