UniGuide is a website to help students find universities worldwide with some general information about the country they search for. It provides the students with a direct link to every university website.
-First one, to get the general info of any country. Click here to check it out. -Second one, to get a photo from this country. Click here to check it out. -Third one, to get a list of all universities in every country. Click here to check it out.
- Simple UI
- Using APIs
- Pretty design
- Responsive
- Css
- JavaScript
- Fisrt, the user will interact with the landing page which contains a brief summary of the website and a button that will transfer the user to the next page (search page)
- Second, in the search page the user can search for any country, then a recommendation list would appear as he starts typing.
- Third, after the user chooses a country,it will trasnfer him to the general info page that contains main infromation about the selected country, and a button that would show him a list of all universties in the country.
- Fourth, as he clicks on any of the universties, it will transfer him to the official website of the selected university
- As a user, I should be able to search for any country worldwide.
- As a user, I will get information about the country that I searched for.
- As a user, I should get a list of all universities in this country.
- As a user, I should access the official website of the unvirsity I choose.
You can visit our live website Here.
- Clone the repo using Git Bash.
git clone https://github.com/GSG-CF04/UniGuide.git
- Open index.html.
- Enjoy the jounery.