University Housing System


University Housing System

Our system is responsible for the management of university housing and has many functions, including:

Manage the booking and payment through the student's nomination card and some other data, such as his place of residence, where the reservation is prioritized for students from distant cities, the booking is opened for a certain period, and in case of admission, the acceptance message appears on the system. Then the electronic payment door opens for a specified period. If the student skips it, his name will automatically be removed from the accepted list and another student will be added instead of him from reserve list. A code is created for each acceptable student. At this stage, the students will also choose if they want a comprehensive meal reservation or not.

The system manages students' departure and return times. There is a screen installed at the exit door. The student enters his or her student code and presses the exit button or the return button. Thus, students who miss the exact return time are automatically identified and warnings are automatically issued.

The system manages students' travel and return days through the installed screen, where the student enters his code and chooses to travel or return. The system also calculates the number of students in housing who will receive a meal that day.

Each student can receive his meal daily by informing the chef of his student code, which in turn puts an check mark in front of the name of the student who has received his meal.