A PHP library to parse and render Quill WYSIWYG Deltas into HTML - Flexibel and extendible for custom elements.
- 3
Font size Feature
#89 opened by joelsantosbr - 2
- 2
Attribute Listener messes up array insert
#92 opened by Jafa80 - 1
- 5
Parse Quill 2 tables
#86 opened by CasperNH - 3
- 6
allows 8 digit hex color code support
#85 opened by jayeshindianic - 4
- 3
Multiple Attributes can not be distinguished
#82 opened by upcoders - 2
Can I use delta coming from quill to update contents (delta object) with this library?
#83 opened by owenfar - 9
Nested lists are not rendered as nested
#74 opened by utdrmac - 2
- 6
Behavior of inserts with unknown attributes
#20 opened by jasperwissels - 10
Center and Header
#34 opened by Nevercold - 9
video listener bug
#38 opened - 6
background color removed from html result
#80 opened by TerrePorter - 6
Having an empty list breaks the rendering
#78 opened by psociety - 3
- 0
- 4
- 5
insertJsonKey not working
#55 opened by anchetaWern - 2
- 2
Best practice for overriding Link class
#46 opened by njtmead - 4
Codeblocks doesn't render
#49 opened by boring-dragon - 3
Wrong parsing
#47 opened by gilsdav - 2
Cache Interface
#11 opened by nadar - 2
- 3
- 13
- 1
Font attribute causes insert to be skipped
#23 opened by gfaugere - 0
Enable escapeInput by default
#18 opened by nadar - 5
Rendering inline listeners priority
#16 opened by jasperwissels - 3
License information
#14 opened by bogusred - 2
Bug with EOL processing
#12 opened by AlexBlade - 17
- 1
Problem with attributes key?
#5 opened by nadar - 19
Random line breaks
#3 opened by sandermenke - 0
missing image property
#4 opened by nadar - 0
done element in pick list not done anymore
#2 opened by nadar - 0