#Bowling Score Tracker
- Screenshot
- General Description
- How to Install and Run
- See it Live on Heroku
- Browsers
- Testing
- License
##General Description
This app implements a 10-pin bowling score tracker for up to 4 players.
- The back-end logic of the app is written in Ruby (2.1.1).
- The front-end interface is written in JavaScript & jQuery.
- Code created according to TDD (testing with Rspec & Capybara).
- The app uses the Sinatra framework and Thin Webserver.
For those who aren't familiar with the game, a comprehensive description of the rules and scoring can be found at: Wikipedia on 10-Pin Bowling
##How to Install and Run
To install the app, clone the repo to a local folder and then run the following commands in terminal:
$> cd bowling_score_tracker
$> bundle install
Then you'll need to create an enviromental variable in your machine
for Sinatra's session secret key
The name of this env variable should be: BOWLING_SECRET, and you can give it any value you like.
If you want a random string for this variable's value, you can use the following commands in terminal to generate it:
$> irb
#> SecureRandom.hex(64)
$> exit
Once the env variable for the session secret is set, you can run the local server:
$> thin start
Then open the browser of your choice and go to this address:
##See it Live on Heroku
A live version of the game can be found at:
Bowling Score Tracker on Heroku
As I'm using Heroku's free hosting service, the app may take a bit of time to upload
(Heroku's giros take time to wake up...), so please be patient.
This app has been tested with and supports the following browsers (though it should hopefully look decent in other browsers as well):
- Google Chrome (39.0)
- Apple Safari (7.1.2)
- Mozilla Firefox (33.1)
Unit and feature tests for the back-end logic and front-end interface
were written with Rspec (3.1.7)
& Capybara (2.4.1).
To run the tests, clone the repo to a local folder and then run:
$> cd bowling_score_tracker
$> bundle install
$> rspec
Released under the MIT license.