##Makers Academy | Week 9 | Challenge
##Table of Contents
##General Description
This repo contians my answer for Week 9 Friday Challange of the course at Makers Academy.
This particular challange was about writing effective Ruby methods.
It initially cosisted of 41 empty methods (or 'questions') for which we needed to write code so that the pre-defined tests will pass.
- There are 41 questions - you don't have to do every single one (although if you can, that's great)
- You should be able to do at least 50% of them. They vary in level from quite easy to fairly hard
- You should be able to answer most questions with a couple of lines of code, and just a few methods
- Get the RSpec tests to pass (but not by cheating - i.e. hardcoding the expected value)
- You shouldn't need any extra libraries or gems
- The last two methods cannot be tested by Rspec
- The cleaner your code the better!
- Googling is fine as usual
Tests were written with Rspec (3.0.2).
To run the testing suite in terminal, clone the repo and run:
$> cd ruby_methods
$> rspec
To see the last two methods in action run the following commands in terminal:
$> irb
>> require './lib/friday_test.rb'
>> Friday_Test.new.fizzbuzz_without_modulo
>> Friday_Test.new.ninety_nine_bottles_of_beer