
click on a data-binding text to make it editable, easy to implement and very useful!

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Angular 2 Click-To-Edit

##Click on a data-binding to make it an input field, and save the changes!



Newly Added!

  • Easy permission enabling/disabling edit functionality.
  • Easy to attach Field-Validation.

This Version Has:

  • Easy to implement component to wrap your bindings.
  • onSave event that calls your own save method.
  • Nice looking css style(inspired by Jira)
  • Canceling method when choosing to cancel or when clicking outside.


    npm install angular2-click-to-edit

How To Use:

Adding package to SystemJS:


 var map = {
	'angular2-click-to-edit': 'node_modules/angular2-click-to-edit',
 var packages = {
	'angular2-click-to-edit': { main: 'index' }  

Step 1:


 // Import to the component where you want to implement the click-to-edit.
 import { NDV_DIRECTIVES } from 'angular2-click-to-edit/components';

 // Include it in the Component directives
 	 directives: [NDV_DIRECTIVES]

Step 2:


<!- This is your uneditible regular binding: ->

<!- This is your EDITABLE binding: ->
<p><ndv-edit [title]="'firstName'" [placeholder]='user.firstName' (onSave)='yourSaveMethod($event)'></ndv-edit></p>

Important Notes!

As you can see there are few parameters passed:

  • [title] - this is the name of the field you want to send back to the server. i.e: "email".

  • [placeholder] - this is the text that will be displayed by default(before editing) so we would probably like to bind our data to it.

  • [min] - this one is similar to minlength(for validation) and can set the minimum requirement of chars.

  • [max] - this one is similar to maxlength(for validation) and can limit the number of chars.

-[regex] - this one is similar to pattern(for validation) and can use regular expressions.

  • [permission] - a simple attribute, once equal to false the edit field is changed to read-only.

  • (onSave) - this one takes the function you give it and call it when the user saved his edited info!


$event - is the object containing the information based on the [title]!!!

  • for instance: [title]="firstName"* then $event = { firstName: 'the user edited text' }.
