Cocos2D Lightning Effect
I have ported the Lighting code to Cocos2D v2.1 based on the original code provided.
Original code by:
Robert Blackwood on 12/1/09.
Copyright 2009 Mobile Bros. All rights reserved.
Migration to shaders (Cocos2D v2.0) by
l.strikeSource = ccp(400, 320);
l.strikeSplitDestination = ccp(200, 0);
l.strikeDestination = ccp(200 + 300, 0);
//random color
l.color = ccc3(CCRANDOM_0_1() * 255, CCRANDOM_0_1() * 255, 255);
l.opacity = 50;
//random style
l.displacement = 100 + CCRANDOM_0_1() * 50;
l.minDisplacement = 1 + CCRANDOM_0_1() * 5;
l.lightningWidth = 4.0f + CCRANDOM_MINUS1_1() * 2;
l.split = YES;
//call strike
[l strikeRandom];