
Button implemented using SpriteKit.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT



This is a fork from https://github.com/hanjoes/SKSpriteButton which reworks the state managemnet and event listeners. It also adds support for toggling buttons.


SKSpriteButton will have one of these states:

State Description
.normal Button is initialized to this state
.tapped On touch down event
.disabled Button doesn't respond to user interaction
.toggledOn When toggle mode is true, the button will flip between normal and toggledOn state on each touch up event

You can set color, texture and eventListeners for any the button states. There can only be one color and/or texture for each state but ma have one or more eventListener for each state.


Set color(SKColor, forState: StateType) property for a different display color for a given state.

Since this widget inherits from SKSpriteNode, which will only show texture if both texture and color are set. Color will not be shown if the button has a texture.


Set texture(SKTexture, forState: StateType) property for displaying a different texture for a given state.

Toggle Support

Set isToggleMode(Bool) to enable toggling on button touchUp events. Set ToggledOnState(Bool) to pre-load a toggle state


Add/Remove EventListener(SKSpriteButtonEventListener) register and de-register an event listener

Event Management


Supported Events

Creating an Event Listener

Initialize an event SKSpriteButtonEventListener(handler: EventHandler, forEvent: EventType)

let button = SKSpriteButton(imageNamed:"InActive")
button.setTexture(SKTexture(imageNamed: "Active"), forState: .toggledOn)
button.isToggleMode = true
button.addEventListener(SKSpriteButtonEventListener(handler: self.showTab, forEvent: .touchesToggledOn))

Note: EventHandler is a reference to a method call passed to a button, eg. self.fireBigFlippingGun or character.jumpUp

Creating an Event Handler

Event handler method signature will require touches, event and the button itself to the method associated with the specific event.

func showTab(touches: Set<UITouch>, event: UIEvent?, target: SKSpriteButton) {
    guard let userData = target.userData else {


    // do something with the user data

    // do some game code

Toggle Group

You can group a set of buttons together so that when a single button it tapped, it toggles on and toggles off the remaining buttons.


let toggleGroup = SKSpriteButtonGroup()

Note: Ensure buttons are in their correct toggle state when adding them to the group by using setToggledOnState(Bool)

Move Types

Set moveType property for different move types supported move types are:

public enum MoveType {
    case alwaysHeld
    case releaseOut
    case releaseFast
    case reentry

The names should be self-explainatory. But still I put a screencast for different move type behaviors.



Just copy the SKSpriteButton/Classes folder into your project and you are good to go.


Nader Eloshaiker, https://github.com/nader-eloshaiker


SKSpriteButton is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


