
Wrapper around irssi, screen, and tmux for the ocf users

Primary LanguagePython


A simple, one file script to wrap around a virtual terminal and an irc client for easy irc session management.


Starting or reconnecting to a session is as simple as:

$ pyrc

You can configure the default virtual terminal and irc client by using the -e and -i flags.

For more information, see the help flag:

$ pyrc -h
Usage: pyrc [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s, --start           Just start the irc client, don't connect to it
  -c, --connect         Don't start the irc client, only connect to it if
  -e EMU, --emu=EMU     terminal emulator to use: screen, tmux [default:
  -i IRC, --irc=IRC     irc client to use: irssi [default: irssi]
  -n SESSION, --session=SESSION
                        name to give to terminal emulator session


Currently supports screen and tmux for the virtual terminal and irssi for the client. Simply having irssi and either screen or tmux installed and in $PATH is enough.