
🎵 A simple API that provides songs data, created as an answer to module 2.3 homework GIGIH 3.0

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple Spotify Playlist API

A simple API that contains songs


This is a simple API that contains songs. It is created with Express. The data is read from JSON files & write to JSON files. This project is created as an answer to module 2.3 homework of Generasi GIGIH 3.0.

Run Locally

Getting Started

  • Make sure you have Node.js and Yarn installed on your computer.

  • Clone the repo.

    git clone https://github.com/nadiannis/simple-spotify-playlist-api.git
    cd simple-spotify-playlist-api
  • Install the dependencies.



Run the development server.

yarn dev


Get songs sorted by the most played

GET /api/songs/most-played-songs

Get all songs

GET /api/songs

Create a new song

POST /api/songs

Request body example:

  "title": "Stop This Train",
  "artists": ["John Mayer"],
  "url": "https://open.spotify.com/track/3E6iea9uEmB7gRru4lyP6h?si=8758d3dd306a414f"

Get a song

GET /api/songs/:songId

Update a song

PUT /api/songs/:songId

Request body example:

  "title": "Bond",
  "artists": ["Anomalie"],
  "url": "https://open.spotify.com/track/0xcyIqCJ3rGfChfBxVF1FL?si=8b17481849024e01",
  "playCount": 42

Play a song

GET /api/songs/:songId/play

Get all playlists

GET /api/playlists

Create a new playlist

POST /api/playlists

Request body example:

  "name": "Favorites"

Get a playlist

GET /api/playlists/:playlistId

Update a playlist

PUT /api/playlists/:playlistId

Request body example:

  "name": "My Favorites"

Delete a playlist

DELETE /api/playlists/:playlistId

Get songs from a playlist

GET /api/playlists/:playlistId/songs

Add a song to a playlist

POST /api/playlists/:playlistId/songs

Request body example:

  "songId": "4efb36ed-b46e-4596-a440-192de9b6b321"

Delete a song from a playlist

DELETE /api/playlists/:playlistId/songs/:songId

Play a song from a playlist

GET /api/playlists/:playlistId/songs/:songId/play