OSM Shapefile QGIS stylesheets

This repo contains QGIS stylesheets (QML) for use with OpenStreetMap (OSM) data in ESRI Shapefile format. It now also contains greyscale stylesheets courtesy of @mixedbredie




I quite often use OSM data for personal mapping projects and I always use the ESRI Shapefiles from Geofabrik. There aren't many stylesheets available for use with this data so I decided to make my own. I found this set from 3liz and used them as my starting point.


These stylesheets have been designed to work at a large scale (1:4,000). They are legible between 1:2,000 and 1:5,000. I may adapt them to work at more scales in the future if need/time permits.

They have been made to work with ESRI Shapefiles from Geofabrik and land polygons from OpenStreetMapData.

For the sea tint you will need to set your background colour to R 184 G 217 B 247.

I recommend this layer order:


##Credit & Licence

Thanks to the guys at Geofabrik and OpenStreetMapData for providing the ESRI Shapefiles.

Thanks to the guys at 3liz for providing the set of stylesheets that I used initially.

They are licensed under CC-BY-SA so you are free to use these stylesheets under the same terms.