

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Bumble interview practical task


Bumble_interview_US_census_data.ipynb contains data EDA, some maps and example of possible geo-expansion.

Bumble_interview_US_census_data-expanded_clustering.ipynb is focused on different types of clustering techniques.


Additional data

US Census Bureau TIGER database to visualize state boundaries

Please download this data and save to /data


Please have a look at map implementation - index.html

or go to https://nadiiainterview.tiiny.site/


Please create new environmet for this lab using Python 3.7

Using Anaconda please install the following

#Create new environment

conda create --name myenv python=3.7

#Make sure that you are going to work in newly created environment

conda activate myenv

# Install jupyter lab
conda install jupyterlab -c conda-forge

# Install packages
conda install -c conda-forge geopandas
conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib
conda install -c conda-forge mapclassify
conda install -c conda-forge contextily
conda install -c conda-forge geoplot
conda install -c conda-forge seaborn
conda install -c conda-forge descartes 
conda install -c anaconda openpyxl
conda install -c conda-forge folium
conda install --channel conda-forge pysal
conda install -c conda-forge clusterpy