
This project documents the process of developing a sustainable web development workflow consisting of aspects of permaculture, dragon dreaming, and design thinking.

GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Documentation of creating a workflow for permacultural web products

This project documents the process of developing a web development workflow based on permacultural principles which aims to be more sustainable than conventional web development practices. The documentation itself is based on VuePress v1, a Vue-powered static site generator. See their docs for more information about installation, theming and using Markdow together with Vue components.


  1. Initialize a (private) repository on GitHub.
  2. Copy the code of this repo into it
  3. Navigate to your working directory (docs by default)


Within the /docs/ folder run npm install or npm i to install all necessary dependencies. To start developing, run npm run dev.


The build and deployment is handled by GitHub actions. The corresponding workflow can be found under /.github/workflows/vue-press-frontend.yml. Make sure to create a GitHub secret called FRONTEND_PASSWORD that holds the FTP password (no special characters allowed!).

Alternative deployment via SSH

The GitHub workflow files also offer a deployment via SSH. For it to work, you need to create an SSH key in the following format:

ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa -b 4096


ssh-keygen -m PEM -t ed25519

Then, copy the public key to the webserver:

ssh-copy-id -i /path/to/key -p PORT user@host

Lastly, copy the private key to the clipboard...

pbcopy < /path/to/key

...and paste it as a GitHub secret called SERVER_SSH_KEY.